By Tiffany Forster (Age: 23)
Copyright 12-17-2005
As my darkness wraps around you
You stare into the light
Your soul is slowly giving
But your body tries to fight
A halo of dark silence
Envelopes your whole soul
Your life flashes quickly by
And the calling takes its toll
You feel my icy fingers
As you try to struggle from my grip
But I will never let you go
I shall never let you slip
As noise becomes just nothing
I’ll pull you into night
I’ll take your soul for my keeping
And walk you to the light
I am the end of every road
The element of stress
But I am the final answer
I am blissful Death.
((Yeah, I wrote this for grade 11 drama class where we had to come up with a poem for the character we were playing in out 9/11 monologues. Me, being the dark child I was, chose to be Death taking the souls of those that had died. -shiftyeyes- I posted this for the Darkness contest. We’ll see how that goes. Heh.))
Comments on this Article/Poem:
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03-20-2009 Vanessa Anderson
Thank you for sharing your writing… Death has never been the most generous or caring has it?
Always our for itself… Interesting association between death and darkness. I don’t. I like the night.
11-18-2007 Cassie S.
I really like this, I love your word choice and I love how you worded it. ha ha I’m in a drama class now and this just seems perfect for a monologue. It’s amazing for you only being a junior also. Great work! keep it up!
Just a fellow writer,
05-28-2006 Richard Reed Jr
~brrrr chilly in there~
~puts on parka and sprinkles snow all around~
Wow! I can’t believe I haven’t read this before, but it was well worth waiting for..It’s the essence of a haunting twist-ending poem.
It’s amazing.
Thanks for the read.
03-19-2006 Shannon Walter
wow! this is very good!
03-07-2006 Frederick Van Kirk
What a wonderful poem, I would have selected the same persona: I enter stage left, you are strewn with flowers and the tears of your loved ones; you arise at my presence and ride off with me into the gray morning.-Lower curtains. Your added stage directions are most alluring and pleasant. Thank you for your wonderful comments about my work.
03-03-2006 Brittney N. Nasca
Magnificent poem. It has a very nice flow to it and I like how well it rhymes. I wish I would have read some of your work earliyer. Its brillent. It will be hard to beat your poem in this contest in my opinion. Keep up the good work.
02-25-2006 Euna P.
This is very dark, and I have to admit that I’m sorta scared of it. The only other one of your poems I have read is “Penguins in My Sock Drawer”, and seeing two completly different sides of you in less than ten minutes is … disturbing….
The flow was good, and so was the word choice, and the emotion you conveyed was exellent!!
12-20-2005 Richard Reed Jr
Another magnificent poem.You must be charged with emotion and the desire to express it.
Thank you for you writings!
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12-17-2005 James Shammas
I love this! Poe couldn’t convey the reality any better!
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