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You’re cute boy! by Alma Hulbert

By Alma Hulbert (Age: 23)
Copyright 05-10-2006


I see boys walking around
There hasn’t been one I found
That was cute enough for me.
But hey, what’s that sound
There’s gossip around town
That there’s a new and cute boy that they’ve seenNow I’ve gotta check it out
To see what this boy’s all about
And see if he’s what they say.

You’re cute boy
To me that’s just a joy
To hear.
I’ve been searching around
You’re what I found
And you’re what I want.

I found you around town
Now I know nothing can bring me down
You were what I thought
Nothing like what you brought.
You have what I want
Now I’m really going to flaunt.

You’re cute boy
To me that’s just a joy
To hear.
I’ve been searching around
You’re what I found
And you’re what I want.


Comments on this Article/Poem:
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      04-20-2008   Susan Brown

I have been reading a stack of your poetry and this one was so different. Is this written by the same girl? ah ha! That’s what it takes to put a snap in your step, jump you out of the house. Combing the streets to check out the new boy in town. Now, there’s a fun idea. I knew you were clever from reading your poetry-work. I’ve really been enjoying the majority of it. Your voice comes across very interesting although sometimes, I almost cry it’s so heartfelt. Now, I see what gets you motivated. Had to comment on this one as it sounds like you were having such a good time with just the hope of seeing the new potential friend. Hope he was what you expected and even if he wasn’t you had a blast putting forth the effort to go see for yourself.

In my mind, most boy’s are cute. There’s usually something special about everyone of them if you take the time to really look. My friends when I was in school thought I was hilarious as I always thought the smart kid with all the answers was cute. Messed up hair and tape on his glasses. My friends loved to tease me as nobody ever liked the boy’s I did, until College. You know what happened to all the boy’s they thought were cute back in High School? Rehab for the lucky ones and child support payments for the real popular ones…lol! Oh, I suppose… some of the cute ones remained cute. (you think?)

Nice mood set here. I hope to hear more like this as I scroll down the page.


      04-08-2008   Kelley Appleby

I agree with Leigh, but……..

I liked this! I thought it was really cute & light-hearted. I don’t think you intended for it to be a deep probing dissertation on exactly what qualities in the male species make one desirable and worth seriously considering! ^.^

It was just a happy poem, bouncing right along… I think it flows nicely…

I will ALSO tell you: My husband has a GREAT personality… it is what attracted me to him (he’s cute, too, incidentally…) But, the very most important thing is whether you share values, morals, ethics, interests, similar intelligence… Know this, you may be attracted to someone on the surface (looks, personality) but if the rest doesn’t “line up” you may as well hang it up. You cannot “change” him. ^.~

Oh, since I’m doling out advice, for some inexplicable reason… ^.^
I do agree with David P. “Good write, just make sure you take it slow with this guy, okay?”
– signed the mother hen :>

      05-14-2007   Leigh Gilholm Fisher

Well…I’m a teenage girl who’s 100% straight but cannot relate to this… Firstly, don’t shoot me these are just my opinions, I think that how a person acts and what their personality is like is far more important than how they look. If a person took a relationship based off of lust and desire to a high level, it’d be futile and the couple would most certainly find themselves divorced one day… Although, I will not deny good-looking is a pleasant characteristic in a guy, but personality is the most important in my mind.

Leigh of the Commenting Community

      06-03-2006   Elisabeth Hatheway

Every teen aged girl dreams of finding the perfect guy-one who’s handsome, smart, sweet and funny. But I don’t bet any guy has all these qualities. After all, no one is perfect. Pretty cute!! Keep it up!

      05-31-2006   Jessica Peters

This is cute I like ot great job!

      05-30-2006   Vicki Grinrod

Aw, how adorable. This is what I’m going through right now and ohmigawdbobbyissohottandowenisjustlikeohmigawdway to SHORT and robbythegardeneratareschoolisjustsohottt like omgomgomg.
Isn’t that what every girl wants? A cute boy? 😀

      05-13-2006   David Pekrul

And to think, just a few short years ago you thought boys were yucky. lol
Good write, just make sure you take it slow with this guy, okay?

      05-11-2006   Caitlin Nooner

OMG that is like so how I think!!!!!
You wrote like the perfect teenage girl story.
Keep Writing stuff like this please.

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