By Jessica MacIntyre
Copyright 12-07-2011
He was a charmer. One of the many reasons she had a burning hatred for him.
That damn bleached blond hair of his. The bright blue eyes that made girls weak. That natural tan he had to him. The freaking dazzling 120 watt smile. All of it sickened her.
He was the devil in her eyes and only her eyes. The rest viewed him as an angel.
To them he was the light at the end of their tunnel. To her he was the rain on her parade.
He was a gentleman. To her he was anything but.
Her passion for hating him progressed as time went by.
Mr. Right. The man of every girls dream. Prince Charming. The Knight in Shining Armour.
Mr. Wrong. The man of her nightmares. Prince of Hell. Satan in disguise.
There is nothing good about him.
Except everything.
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