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SAILOR MOON, eternal super stars. by Sarah West

Copyright 01-20-2003
Age Rating: 13 to 17

Picture Credits:

An example of Eternal sailor Jupiter (with wings on her back, if you read my story you’ll know what I’m talking about, so why dont you go and read it ^.^)

season: “Eternal Super Stars” (its a season that I have created)

villan: Queen Beryl
Serena is 20 years old and the wedding day is coming closer.

Serena is at Darien’s apartment with Rini arguing as usual. ” Serena get your hands off of darien he doesn’t like that” “no you get your paws off him he is my futur husband you brat, and he gave me an engagement ring” They get mad at each other they start to pull each othrs hair… Darien stops them.

On the other hand,there is this femiliar evil person, it’s queen Byrel she is back. Queen Byrel is sitting on her chair looking at her crystal ball, she knows that Darien and Serena are going to get married, she calls on her commander Jedite he is back to life, “JEDITE!” she calls him, “yes my queen” … “I want you to get rid of sailor moon and the other scouts, the negaforce brought us back to life but we cant fail now DO YOU HEAR ME” “YES,but queen Byrel.. sailor moon is much stonger now and we cant..we cant get rid of her…” “QUITE! the negaforce gave us alot of stronger power.WE CAN BEAT HER DO YOU HEAR ME, NOW GO AND DONT FAIL OR I WILL DO THE SAME THING I DID TO YOU IN THE PAST,DO YOU REMEMBER JEDITE?”.
The outer senshi are at Hotaru’s house ” I can feel the wind.. evil is coming the greatest evil we will ever face, we must protect the future queen” “Yes Amara we can feel it too” the girls replied,They all transform into super sailors, and sailor Pluto used her communicater to call the inner senshi.
Jedite was traking down Serena she was in her room ALONE, he shows up and Serena was surprised, ” you are changed, I like Darien’s taste” said Jedite and he was edmiring Serena, “what do you want…. I remmember you …..your ..Jedite..but” “Yes yes you thought that you killed me, but no too bad because the negaforce was collecting the evil energy from every single person that you healed, like the people with the rainbow cristyles,and the doom tree,and the 4 sissters, and the greatest one of them all are the people with the star seeds” “what do you want from me” Serena tried to transform into eternal sailor moon, but then Jedite blasted her loket with his new attack, then he punched Serena in the stomech, the punch was so stong Serena fainted. Sailor Jupiter blaster the door with her supreme thunder attack”STOP IT JEDITE” they all shouted, but then Jedite laughed and then disapeared an he got Serena with him, when it was over, Tuxedo mask entered the room.”Where is Serena…” no one answered “WHERE IS SHE” he was leaving the room when they all heared Jedite’s voice “well the prince is here” “Give serena back or you will pay” Tuxedo was mad “I dont think so I think that Serena would make a beautiful wife for me, Queen Byrel wants me to kill her but…noooo I’ll keep her for my own who cares about Byrel she thinks that she is stonger than me but she doesn’t know that we have the same powers because we were feeding on the same evil energy so that means that we are equal” “so what are you going to do withSerena”
Sailor Mars shouted “I told you that I will marry her” Jedite answered back “You cant just marry her like that, Serena’s true love is Darien” Sailor Jupiter screamed “well I will envite you and the prince to a fight and who ever whens it will marry Serena” Jedite sugessted, “I agree” said Tuxedo mask “you cant do….”the scouts enterupted “yes we can, I know we can”…….. Jedite used his powers to move them to another dimention, the place was dark”Hey turn on the lights” mini moon was scared, but sailor Pluto held her arm and Mini moon felt safe. “Lets use our powers so that we could light up the way and I will use my scanner” “good thinking Mercury”
“Mercury crystel power”
“Mars crystel power”
“Jupiter crystel power”
“Venus crystel power”
“Pluto crystel power”
“Neptune crystel power”
“Saturn crystal power”
“Uranus crystel power”
“Mini moon crystel power”
suddenly they all started to float in the air and they all turned into eternal sailor scouts with small wings on thier back, they looked beautiful… “I can see something in my scanner….. it’s…it’s…IT’S SERENA!” Tuxedo mask started to run to her he untied her and told her that it’s time to go home “but Darien I cant transform any more…. oh scouts look at you.. you are etenal sailors…. DARIEN LOOK OUT” A fire ball came towards Darien but Serena blocked it, it was from Jedite….. Darien shouted “SERENA NOOO DONT DO THIS TO ME” Serena was filled with blood “Darien you know that I love you and I always will, but now I can’t make my dream come true… you know, my dream was to get married and have a nice family but..” Serena looked dead “Serena…SERENA!” “Darien calm down she just fainted dont worry she will be okay” Mercury cried. Darien was crying and because of his tears he transformed into a prince, then he kissed Serena.. Serena then was floating.. she transformed into SUPER ETERNAL SAILOR MOON “WHERE ARE YOU JEDITE.. COME ON AND FIGHT” there was no answer………….
Jedite was with Queen Byrel “JEDITE, WHERE ARE YOU!” Queen Byrel shouted… “Im here Byrel” Jedite replied… “How could talk to me that way with no respect Jedite” “and who said that I have any respect for you….KAMEHAMEHA!” AND HE BLASTED BYREL AWAY..” Jedite how could you do this to meeee” Queen Byrel was dead “HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA” then Jedite disapeared and went back to his dimention, Mars felt something she knew that Jedite was behind her “MARS FIRE GUN BLAST” Jedite was blasted, than she warned the other scouts.. “JUPITER THUNDER TURNADO CRASH” “VENUS BEUTY….KISS” “MERCURY ICE KNIVES CUT” Jedite was hurt badly then he said “you know scouts I control this place thats why I say that you should GO BACK HOME” “NOOOOOOOO” the scouts shouted while they were disapearing… no one was there ecxept for super eternal sailor moon and her prince “Darien we can beat him if we truly love each other” said Serena “ofcouce we do, lets put our powers together” they held hands and staired at each other when jedite was attacking them, they were glowing and the attack was reflected back to Jedite and than prince Darien used his sowred to kill him “AAHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA” finally jedite was DEAD, than Serena fainted because of the energy she used, and slowly the dimention was diasapearing and the place was normal again……..
Serena and Rini are at Dariens apartment again “Rini leave us alone and go play with you’r friends, because me and Darien want to be alone for a little bit” “quite meat ball brain if I leave you alone with Darien maybe you would tell him not to like me anymore or some thing” “I hate you”
“girls girls stop it please” “aahhhhhhhhh, dont pull my hair AHHHHHH” “no you pulled my hair so I’ll pull you’r hair” “ok just let go of my hair and I’ll let go of you’rs”
*And they lived happily ever after*

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