Instagram Poets: The New Age Love Letters

Instagram Poets: The New Age Love Letters

Instagram poets have reshaped the landscape of love expression in the digital era, delivering intense emotional impact through minimalist, visually-driven poetry. These modern-day bards bypass the elaborate and often inaccessible traditions of classical poetry,...
Love Poetry

Love Poetry

Love poetry is the most popular literary form that articulates the complexities, subtleties, and variances of love, serving as a medium through which affection, desire, and connection are conveyed and examined. This genre encompasses a wide spectrum of sentiments,...
Romeo and Juliet: Love, Desire, and Female Representation

Romeo and Juliet: Love, Desire, and Female Representation

In ‘Romeo and Juliet’, a classic play by Shakespeare, we are invited into a tale of two ‘star-crossed lovers’ whose passionate and ill-fated love story has long been considered the epitome of romantic love. However, upon closer inspection, this...
Poetry Books About Love

Poetry Books About Love

Love is one of the most celebrated and perennial forms of human expression, and poetry has been a timeless vehicle to express love for centuries. For those looking to explore romantic love, there are plenty of poetry books about love out there that curate words from...