By chibimars Copyright 08-26-2004 The Sun said to the Moon as it sunk down from the sky, “Why do you love the dark, not the daylight like I?” “I have befriended each star and silence never gives me a fright”, The moon replied quietly, staring...
By Leah Garrison (Age: 28) Copyright 12-14-2003 Spring is like a maiden fair Daisies coiled in long blonde hair A light and airy butterfly Swift to soar away up high Shining like dawn breaking the night To let in love and joy’s pure light Summer is a lad so bold...
By Kaylee Jaime Frances S. (Age: 17) Copyright 08-05-2003 Here this story is about Dragonball Z mind its rated NC-17 for violence language and physical attraction (you know what I mean) and those of you who know the DBZ Characters there is a Bulma/Vegeta...
Comments about this Song: Click on the commenter’s name to see their Author’s Page 12-16-2008 Felishia Adkins i love this song. I am a flute player so i could actually play this if i had the music 06-19-2008 Emily B. I love flutes! This piece is so sad,...
By Robert Betts (Age: 63) Copyright 05-21-2003 Saw beggar in the street, I walked on by, hurried to meet… but then I stopped, turned around and asked myself, “What would Jesus do?” … then I knew. Sherry was raped the other day called me crying,...
By Gregory Christiano (Age: 65) Copyright 04-19-2003 For anyone who has lived in New York City, at one time or another, had to have traveled in the subways. This experience was enhanced when the train connected to a line running above the street, in the open air....
By Robert D. Furrow Copyright 07-20-2001 Henrietta Fizer Furrow 1928=1998 My darling has been gone for years, But I still mourn and cry my tears. This is one of my saddest regrets, I couldn’t get her to give up cigarettes. Our married years numbered forty-five,...
By Jolene Coiner Copyright 05-30-2001 “You can’t get pregnant standing up.” Boy, was I stupid or WHAT? Yes, I really believed that when someone told me that I couldn’t get pregnant standing up. Then again, I really had no clue about sex so at that point you could have...
By Andrea Carter Salas (Age: 35) Copyright 04-14-2016 To be frank, I’m not very good at writing poetry. I tend to just write whatever comes flowing out from whatever thoughts I might have at the time. As of right now, I want to share a little bit of what...