Our Sailor Moon Galleries
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Sailor Moon and all characters are copyright © 1992 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha
Those who have purchased rights include: TOEI Animation., DiC Entertainment, Kodansha, Bandai, and others.
Those who have NOT purchased rights from Naoko Takeuchi have no copyrights whatsoever.
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Gallery: Queen Badiyanu |
Queen Badiyanu, also called Queen Badiane and Madam Vadiann, is the main antagonist in the Sailor Moon SuperS movie. Queen Badiyanu is a witch from another world whose plan is to gather all of Earth’s children at Marzipan Castle, and place them in Dream Coffins. Inside the Dream Coffins, the children will sleep forever, enjoying their dreams, and Queen Badiyanu will use their sugar Dream Energy to nurture her Black Dream Hole, a giant black hole of evil energy. Once the Black Dream Hole is large enough, she will use it to swallow Earth, causing everyone to enter Dream Coffins confined to eternal sleep, thus taking over the world. In order to complete her plan, she needed assistance. She therefore lied to four faeries – Peruru and his evil brother, Poupelin, as well Banane and Orangeat – by telling them that if the children of the world stayed with her, they would remain children indefinitely and would not be harmed. The four faeries agreed to help her, but Peruru later renounced his loyalty to Badiane after befriending Chibi-Usa. In order to capture children, Badianne has the faeries play a magical tune on special flutes, causing them to fall into a trance. Chibi-Usa is one of the children abducted, and Badiane discovers that she has an extraordinary amount of energy. She decides to use the girl as a primary source for opening the Black Dram Hole. Peruru helps the Sailor Senshi find their way to Marzipan Castle, where they fight the other faeries and finally reach Badiane. Badiane is much too powerful for the senshi, but Sailor Moon enters the Black Dream Hole, where she finds herself immediately placed with a Dream Coffin. Luckily, she fights her way out of the illusion and breaks free of the Dream Coffin. Sailor Moon fights her way through the Black Dream Hole to find the unconscious Chibi-Usa. Sailor Moon is injured while protecting ChibiUsa, but the light of her Silver Crystal shines out of the Black Dream Hole for the other senshi to see. They then send their powers to Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon, who is brought back to conciousness by the other senshi’s energy. Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon then use a combined attack, Moon Gorgeous Meditation, in order to destroy the Black Dream Hole, along with Badiane.
According to the Materials Collection, the romanization of Badiane’s name is literally “Badianu.” “Badianu” is the Japanese approximation of the French word “Badiane,” meaning “Star Anise.” In the Materials Collection, it tells us that “the idea is star anise,” and says that star anise are attached all over her body as accesories, she even wears star anise earrings, and that they are attached directly to her skin. Naoko Takeuchi also says that “her hair has the image of twisted bread. On her chest, the star anise and wings are attached directly to her skin. Her hair and skirt are pitch black.” Star Anise (Illicium verum) is an exotic spice that is the fruit of an evergreen tree of the magnolia family (to see an example of what it looks like, go to page 4 in this gallery). It is native to China and Vietnam, though today is grown almost exclusively in southern China, Indo-China, and Japan. It is used most often in Chinese cooking in sweets. It is shaped like a star, and has between five and ten points, but has an average of eight points. The hard sections are seed pods. It can grow up to 3cm long. The fruit is picked before it ripens, and dried. It is a red, rust colour and it has a liquorice-like flavour. This choice in name stays with the candy/pastry theme presented throughout the Sailor Moon SuperS Movie. This gallery bio was taken in part from The Oracle: https://soul-hunter.com/sailormoon/. |