Our Sailor Moon Galleries
Each Sailor has her Own Gallery!

Sailor Moon and all characters are copyright © 1992 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha
Those who have purchased rights include: TOEI Animation., DiC Entertainment, Kodansha, Bandai, and others.
Those who have NOT purchased rights from Naoko Takeuchi have no copyrights whatsoever.
Prose-n-Poetry claims no ownership of any of these Sailor Moon images.
They have been uploaded by our members and are archived here
as a public service to all true ‘Moonatics’
Gallery: Youma |
Youma translates into “ghost” or “apparition.” These youma (also called “monsters of the day”) appear in almost every episode of Sailor Moon. They are minions of the Dark Moon Kingdom, and they fight against the Senshi, but are defeated very easily. The youma generally work under the direction of Jedite (the 1st 10 youma), Nephite (the 2nd nine), Zoicite (the 3rd 12 youma, including the Seven Great Youma), and Kunzite (the 4th eight), or more rarely, under Queen Beryl herself (the 12th and last five youma, Thetis and the DD Girls).
The Seven Great Youma were the seven very powerful youma who served under Queen Beryl during her attempt to overthrow the Moon Kingdom during the Silver Millennium. After the battle, they were imprisoned within the seven separate shards of the Silver Crystal called “Rainbow Crystals,” because each one was a different color of the rainbow. The Rainbow Crystals were then sent to Earth, where the Seven Great Youma were reincarnated inside of normal human beings (and in one case, a cat). The humans (and cat) had no knowledge of the Rainbow Crystals inside of them, although some had special powers such as telekinesis or psychic powers. But because the youma were sealed within their Rainbow Crystals, they were unable to exert their evil influence. However, Queen Beryl instructed Zoicite to locate the Seven Great Youma in order to collect their Rainbow Crystals and form the Siver Crystal needed to fully revive Queen Metallia with its power. To aid in Zoicite’s massive search, Queen Beryl modified the Black Crystal, previously used by Nephrite to locate the Silver Crystal, so that it would respond only to the Rainbow Crystals, and then gave it to Zoicite. Once the Rainbow Crystals were located and removed from the unsuspecting person by Zoicite with his Black Crystal, the humans reverted to their youma forms. The Sailor Senshi attempted to stop Zoicite, but were usually attacked by the Great Youma. But rather than killing the youma, Sailor Moon used her Moon Healing Escalation attack to seal the youma within its carrier once again. Later, Queen Beryl sent evil Prince Endymion to capture all seven healed Rainbow Crystal carriers and trap them within the Black Crystal in order to form one incredibly powerful, shadowy demonic entity. Endymion managed to gather six of the seven former youma, but Sailor Mercury fought against him and was able to destroy the Black Crystal, which released them, never to be bothered again. The Seven Great Youma are Gesen (formally known as Crane Game Joe or Crane Master Joe), Bokushi or “Boxy” (formally known as a priest), Bunbo (formally known as Ryou Urawa, Ami’s friend), Binah (formally known as Yumemi Yumeno, a popular but shy artist), Rikokeida (formally known as Reiko Nishimura, Motoki’s girlfriend, and later, distant fiancée), Jiji (formally known as Rei’s grandfather), and Bakene (formally known as Rhett Butler, an obese cat who protects and loves Luna). Their respective Rainbow Crystal colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. I am trying to incorporate all of the English names of the youma in addition to the Japanese. However, since I haven’t watched the North American version of Sailor Moon since I was very young, I don’t remember their English names and need some help filling them in. So, if you would email the ones you know to me (or corrections to the ones I have listed), it would be a great help and much appreciated! This gallery bio was taken in part from The Oracle: https://soul-hunter.com/sailormoon/. |